Homes and Hope Community Land Trust is helping to preserve the quality of life in Snohomish County, Washington, and build communities where everyone can afford to live. Shared equity homeownership through community land trusts is helping to build a region everyone can afford.
Our newsletter will provide periodic updates about our programs and events.
Bridge to Homeownership

The Bridge
Public and private investments in community land trust homes puts homeownership within reach of modest income families by closing the gap between what homes cost and what people can afford. Permanent affordability means that the initial investment is preserved, and future generations will continue to have access to affordable homes.

CLT Home ownership
Families who own their home put down roots, build equity safely, and receive all the other social, health, and financial benefits of homeownership. They become more engaged as citizens and neighbors, and their children are more likely to thrive.
Community land trust homeownership creates stability in transient neighborhoods and communities resulting in deeper investment and lower crime.
Who Are Our Homeowners?
Homes and Hope Community Land Trust will be creating homeownership opportunities for individuals and families earning 50-100% of the area median income (AMI). These individuals come from all walks of life and professions. If you are interested in purchasing one of our homes, read the 2024 Documentation and Income Levels.
If you would like to know more about donations or how you can volunteer, visit here.
how does it work?
All residents and merchants in Snohomish County are welcome to join Homes and Hope Community Land Trust–that is how community ownership works. Members meet once a year to elect board directors, review past successes and set future goals. Members are also encouraged to message the staff or board if they have a suggestion or concern at any time. Every community is a little bit different, so every community land trust is also!